Tony Egar CP, Fr Pat Rogers
Fr Brian Coats, Denis Casey, Mary Fowler
Fr Peter McGrath his sister Anne, brother in law Vince O'Malley & family
? Doug Roates
middle Wendy Matchett
Alan Hampden
Denis Casey Pam Clarke backgr. Stephen Joel,Alan Hampden
Ben & Tim Matchett
centre Stephen Munro
?, Joy Pollard, Sue Muir
?, Kevin Smith
Fr Tim O'Toole, Bishop P. Murphy, Br Brendan, Fr. Michael Halliday
Fr Peter, Bishop Patrick Murphy,, Peter Garniner's Ordination, Brian Coates
Frs Lex Keyes and Peter McGrath
Frs Brian Coates and Tim O'Toole
Fr Michael Halliday
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Fr Brian Coates & Parents, Profession of Vows
Advent 1983
Advent 1983
Fr Peter at Hamper Mass
Choir at Hamper Mass
Baby Mahony, Mother and Dr Terry Mahony
Fr Peter McGrath, Hamper Mass
Fr Peter McGrath, Jason & Jenny Lunnon
Fr Peter McGrath
Pre Confirmation Mass Fr Peter
Pre Confirmation Mass
Pre Confirmation Mass