

January 1

First Communion

  • Celebrlating First Communion'ers in Kitchen

November 14

First Communion

  • Fr Peter Addict with First Communion
  • Cuppa after First Communion
  • Fr Peter Addicoat
  • Fr Peter Addict

July 24

Peter Kearney Mass

  • Peter Kearney
  • Peter Kearney
  • (From left) Peter Kearnery, Luke Redmond, Mary Ingham, Kathryn Sullivan
  • Fr Tony Egar, Peter Kearney
  • Peter Kearney and musicians

April 2


  • Youth Catechists
  • Fr Tony Egar
  • Angela Clark

March 18

First Communion

  • Fr Tony Egar and First Communion
  • Fr Tony Egar cutting cake
  • Cuppa after First Communion
  • Fr Tony Egar

May 24


  • Fr Tony Egar, Bishop Patrick Murphy
  • Bishop Patrick Murphy Confirmation
  • Confirmation Bishop Patrick Murphy

March 22

Children’s Liturgy

  • Sr Leonie Martin and Choir
  • Musicians singer Luke Edmond, Sr Leonie
  • Fr Peter McGrath
  • Fr Peter McGrath
  • Fr Peter McGrath
  • Fr Peter McGrath
  • Fr Peter McGrath
  • Fr Peter McGrath

February 15

Liturgy Day

  • , Rod McDonald, , Grace Owen, John Owen, Di Cunningham, Marylin Smith
  • Sue Muir, Jean Baumont
  • Fr Tom McDonough,
  • Wilfred Kelvin, Mary Ingham, Christine Gerny,

December 15

Hamper Mass

  • Fr Tony Egar at Hamper Mass
  • Crowd Outside St Anthony for Hamper Mass

June 14


  • Fr Peter Addicoat, Fr Tony Egar